Friday, June 15, 2007
Happy trails to you
This was taken from the Frisco section of Summit County, Colorado's 200 miles of paved recpaths. We took the bikes out this afternoon to check the gearing and make sure everything works properly. Talk about a view: Snow-capped mountains and plush meadows provide a breathtakingly beautiful backdrop to the crystal blue waters of the Dillon Reservoir.
The Frisco path is one of 36 rides detailed in the county's 74-page Bike Guide. Here's a snippet from the guide that the Sunshine State could learn from:
"Summit County is truly a cycling friendly community. All Summit Stage buses (free bus service's how everyone commutes here!) are equipped with bike racks to transport passengers with bicycles along the bus routes that access all town and major neighborhoods in the county."
Maybe some day, Central Florida will be so progressive.